Monthly Archives: February 2015

Longer is better: a Umarex/VFC M27 IAR Review

Longer is indeed better.

Longer is indeed better.

I haven’t been playing as much airsoft as I used to; ironically, this has only served to reignite my interest in the game and I decided recently (after getting my finances in order) that the best way to take advantage of this newfound interest was with a new AEG. A trip to a local airsoft store later (and thanks to a great deal via Overhoppers editor-in-chief, Juicy, who works at said store – thanks bud!) and I am now the proud owner of a Umarex/VFC M27 IAR. I’ve wanted to get my hands on one for awhile, but was debating the wisdom of such a decision now that I wasn’t playing as much as I used to.

Turns out I made a pretty good call, because I love this thing. More deets after the break.

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