Monthly Archives: October 2014

LCT “Reliability”

I opened up my mostly stock LCT AKS-74 gearbox for further upgrading (finally)… and this is what I was totally blown away to find. Surprising part is that the gearbox had continued to cycle in this state for who knows how long (well past the point at which I would usually service a brand new gearbox), with no major change in sound.

Russian style reliability in Taiwan made gearbox, I suppose. It just works.



LCT piston body broken (full rack still intact, not bent – better than Deep Fire). LCT bevel gear sitting off axis, worn itself into LCT bushing on an angle, yet still cycled fine.

Recoil Shock Upgrades – Part 3

Got around to working on my TM SCAR-H over the past few days – this is the first batch of photos.

With few guides on the disassembly of the SCAR line, this was a little bit of a guessing game at times (videos with commentary in English from Eagle 6 company in the UK came in very handy)… not to mention the even less information on upgrading them.


Upgrades are already done, but I did forget to post these of the original gearbox until now. We shall start on the SCAR with these.

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Recoil Shock Upgrades – Part 2

Take a look at the original TM gearbox:


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Random Airsoft Musings: the airsoft hiatus, and why it’s a good thing.

(above pic taken from the inside of one of the buildings at Operation: Iceback)

(above pic taken from the inside of one of the buildings at Operation: Iceback)

Firstly, my apologies for the lack of entries from yours truly in the past months – I’ve moved house and been thrown some new responsibilities at work, on top of the usual juggling of social life/girlfriend/family/personal health that we all deal with. But I’m still here, and no, I haven’t quit airsoft.

This particular entry is more of a reflection piece, so feel free to skip if it ain’t your cup of tea. More random musings after the break.

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Recoil Shock Upgrades – Part 1

So begins the slew of overhauls to come for my newest toy, a Tokyo Marui HK416 “DEVGRU Custom” Next Gen AEG.


I started with a complete Army Force (AF) gearbox assembly… bought for gearbox shell bushing size & spare parts (and because I was honestly a little afraid to open up a like-new Marui Next Gen AEG for the first time without really knowing what I’m doing yet).


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The Longest Serving Rifle: King Arms Galil MAR

If you have been playing Airsoft for any given length of time, and have owned an armourers worth of rifles, you will always notice a growing trend within your collection. There is that unkillable rifle that just won’t leave your inventory, no matter how you feel, or what your current position in life is at that point in time. If you know someone that sells off more guns than god in their collection, they will never tell you about that one rifle that has been in their hands since the start of their career.

Well, ladies and gentleman, I have my rifle. The one I just, no matter the circumstance, can’t come to grips with selling. This is my King Arms Galil MAR. This is this guns story. Or review… or something. This sentence was written after most of this article, and after reading it through one or two times, could be both a review / story. Make of it whatever you will.

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Hello World: Introduction to Goggles

Hey all,

As some of you may know, in the Airsoft Community, I’m Goggles, and have been playing airsoft for little over three years now with the community most of the Overhopper writers come from. Although I have gone through other names such as, Brick, or to some, Googles. If there are any more, I haven’t bothered to even mention them as I probably haven’t heard them. I stopped asking questions a while back.

While I may not be as tech-savvy as the rest of the writers here on Overhoppers, or even own the amount of gear I know some of the writers have procured over the past few years, I have owned enough airsoft primaries to say I can at least mark what I define as quality and what I believe is just an awful excuse for a build (to which there are a few manufacturers that fall under this category), and I think that’s where my knowledge lies. Some guns I use on a daily basis (game-days) and some others are in pieces, waiting for me to figure out what I should do with them.

But that’s what makes and breaks the hobby for me at this point in time in my airsofting career. It’s the tuning part of the process of the hobby that makes airsoft interesting for me, it being a constant money sink for me for the past three years. Buying news parts to throw into the guns, or even just buying another gun just for the sake or working on it. Either way, I have gone through more guns than I cared to imagine, and now am excited to bring that knowledge to the forefront.

There are a plethora of primaries I want to write about, so put the seat belt on and be prepared to listen to a young kid go on and on about the little things on rifles that you probably could care less about. Or even less about what I’m doing inside the gearboxes of said rifles.



Montage #1 – Airsoft Summer 2014

I’m slogging my way through weekly Contour footage dating as far back as May (I really should have gotten on top of this sooner). I’ve slimmed the remaining footage down to about 5 hours worth of clips from local airsoft games during the second half of the summer (Montage #2), then that video will be followed by footage from Operation Iceback 2.0 (Montage #3) – finally. Irregardless, here is part 1:

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WE M4 Magazine Revival

I have generally given up hope of keeping my WE M4 in good condition anymore. This usually results in it running dirty yet (usually) functional, if I go shoot with it. Perhaps not the best practice, but I’ve been shooting (and pouring money into) mine for many years past its prime – I probably should have given up on this one a few generations before WE “open bolt”/open chamber GBBR and conversion kits even hit the market. But what the heck, I might as well keep it running.


I recently have been encountering issues with most of my 9 working magazines refusing to lock back (I have somewhere in the range of 14, but the old gen internals just leak too often to be worth maintaining). Years ago, I did most of the common mods you’ll find on the internet and then some, in regards to getting the finicky WE M4 “open bolt” bolt stop to actually, well, stop the bolt when the mag runs out of ammo. A combination of many of those seems to have fixed my issue, but it has since returned… all things considered, I’m a little surprised that I’m just experiencing this now (much later than expected).


After inspecting the usual suspects and confirming those to still be in functional condition, I still couldn’t get it to work right with all my mags. A few ideas popped into mind – mag part that pushes up on bolt stop, magazine outer shells, or lower receiver.

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Flyye Warranty

No photo(s) today – just a story about a surprising good warranty policy from a repro company in China.

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